Cordially invite you to visit their STUDIOS AND GALLERY
Henry Vermillion www.henryvermillion.com and Britt Zaist www.brittzaist.com are prominent San Miguel artists who recently closed their art gallery, Galeria Izamal www.galeriaizamal.com after 29 years of successful operation in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
They now offer an informal and personalized visit to their studios. Henry´s work is figurative and expressionistic; Britt does bold color abstracts and her widely-known ink gesture drawings.
Aside from their studio work spaces, visitors will see their extensive home art galleries, with work available from both artists. Other collections of the artists: pre-hispanic artifacts and bonsai- are a unique feature of the visit.
A native of El Paso, Texas, Henry Vermillion grew up in West Texas and New Mexico. He graduated from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and, did post-graduate work at the University of Texas in Austin. He lived and worked for twenty years in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he was for five years President of the Wake Visual Arts Association, Raleigh´s largest art organization. He won many awards in state-wide art competitions, and his work was shown at the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh. In 1988, he was awarded the prestigious Raleigh Medal of the Arts.
He and his wife, Britt Zaist, settled in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in 1991. In 1992, they founded (with other fellow artists) Galeria Izamal, the artists´ co-operative venue which they maintained successfully for 29 years.
Among his other activities, he was a founding board member of the San Miguel Theater Company, which began their productions in 2014. He designed many sets, acted, and directed there.
He has taught art at the Instituto Allende and has conducted a traditional Tuesday night life drawing session for almost forty years. He teaches drawing classes in his home.
Currently, his paintings can be seen at Galeria Blue Moon (Stirling Dickinson #7, Col. San Antonio) and at his home/studio (Lucero #43,La Lejona, 2da. Sección)
Cell/WhatsApp: (+52) 415 215 1591
Home Phone: 415 152 6171
‘AT HANKS’ Oil on canvas 38 x 54 in. by Henry Vermillion
‘DANCING COWBOY’ 24 x 16 in. Pencil on paper by Henry Vermilion
A native New Yorker born in 1946, Britt Zaist received her art training at the famous Art Students League of New York City of which she is a Life Member. She is well-known for her abstract paintings in permanent inks; as well as for her few-stroke ink gesture drawings drawn with an ink stopper.
Britt and her husband, Henry Vermillion settled in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in 1991. In 1992, they founded (with other fellow artists) Galeria Izamal, the artist co-operative they ran successfully for 29 years. When it closed in 2021, it was the oldest gallery in San Miguel.
Britt teaches two-day abstract painting workshops and four hour demonstrations of her abstract painting techniques. She also does gestural pet portraits in ink and acrylic.
Cell/WhatsApp: (+52) 415 115 5888
Home Phone: 415 152 6171
`ELEGANT CAT´ ink gesture drawing on paper / 21 x 18 in. / by Britt Zaist
`WHERE MAGIC STILL WALKED THE WORLD´ ink on paper / 38x30 in. / by Britt Zaist
´I'LL MEET YOU AT MOONRISE´ ink on paper / 29 x 31 in / by Britt Zaist
‘SANGRE BRAVA’ 18 x 21 in. Silkscreen by Britt Zaist
Location: Lucero #43, La Lejona, 2da. Sección, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, 37765
Tel. 415 152 6171
Cell. / WhatsApp: (+52) 415 115 5888
Email: brittzaist@yahoo.com
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